eMudhra's Digital Security Blog: Insights and Innovations

Customer Identity and Access Management for Businesses

Written by eMudhra Editorial | Jul 18, 2024 9:23:29 AM

Customer experience is where business successes are won or lost. Every interaction—from that very first visit to a website, to a last buy, shapes customer perception and thereby loyalty. Many businesses are unintentionally creating friction because of cumbersome login processes and fragmented identity management systems. Friction results in abandoned carts and increased churn rates, equating to lost revenue. Customer identity and access management deliver a strategic way to ease access and raise customer satisfaction.

The Cost of Customer Friction Is Real

Almost a quarter of the overall friction in the customer journey has an associated financial cost for enterprises. Indeed, a surprising 73.1% of online shopping carts are abandoned in the US alone because of checkout friction. More to the point, issues with logging in or managing accounts have raised the churning rate of customers by 23% (PwC, 2022). Aside from those direct financial losses, these obstacles taint perceptual brand value, meaning that customers will display less loyalty and advocacy.

The Business Benefits of CIAM

Embedding customers at the heart of business through implementing customer identity and access management has the potential to be transformational for customer experiences and business success. Here are some data-driven insights into the positive impact of customer identity and access management:

Efficiency Improvement: According to Microsoft, this can reduce times to log in by up to 50 per cent with a CIAM solution, facilitating user experience and reducing abandonment rates within applications.

Increased Customer Satisfaction: Organizations reported a 20 percent increase in satisfaction among their customers following the implementation of CIAM partly by smoothing out the process for logging customers in effectively (Forrester, 2023).

Heightened Security: This is where customer identity and access management binds strong security features, like multi-factor authentication and single sign-on, in order to protect customer data and build brand trust.

How CIAM Can Create a Seamless Customer Journey

A customer identity and access management solution is built to help eliminate these barriers and offer seamless experiences to customers. Some of its accommodated features include:

Centralized Identity Management: User information scattered across different platforms is bundled together in one place, enabling customers to manage their accounts via a single interface.

Single Sign-On (SSO): Users can log in once and get access to all applications residing in your ecosystem.

Self-Service Options: Customers are allowed to manage their own passwords, profile, and account information.

Personalized Experiences: Interactions are filtered, based on the captured data, for each customer to create more relevant experiences and drive deeper engagement.

eMudhra: An All-Powerful Enterprise

eMudhra enables an all-encompassing customer identity and access management platform to bring out the best in customer experience:

Scalable and Flexible: Any size of business with room for growth and changing needs.

Seamless Integration: Integrates into existing systems with minimum disruption and ensures maximum ROI.

State-of-the-Art Security Features: Multi-factor authentication and data encryption to safeguard customer information better.

Personalization Options: Tailor-made User Experience that reflects your brand identity and customer expectations.


Building frictionless experiences should be at the core of businesses in a digital age of sky-high expectations. It is through customer identity and access management solutions, much like eMudhra, that one can drive business process improvement, customer relationships, and business growth. Customer identity and access management reduce friction with customers and increase satisfaction levels, which are key ingredients for long-term success in any business. After all, CIAM can unlock superior customer experiences with eMudhra.