eMudhra's Digital Security Blog: Insights and Innovations

Trusted PKI Solutions to Secure Connected Medical Devices

Written by eMudhra Editorial | Aug 3, 2023 3:40:00 AM

Healthcare today is driven by cutting-edge technology, which has revolutionized patient care, providing practitioners with efficient, accurate, and high-quality specialty services. The advanced equipment also enables patients and doctors to generate valuable data, enhancing clinical outcomes and ultimately improving the patient's quality of life.

However, despite these remarkable advancements, many healthcare experts remain unaware of the potential threats posed by connected medical devices. In a 2014 security study, it was identified that numerous devices lack proper authentication layers, leaving them susceptible to unauthorized access and potential manipulations. The vulnerabilities include remote manipulation of drug infusion pumps, implantable cardiovascular defibrillators, X-rays, and even tampering with temperature settings of refrigerators holding blood and drugs. Additionally, there could be instances of altering digital medical records to misdiagnose patients or provide incorrect treatments at worst.

This research, along with similar reports from other experts, has drawn attention to the significant risks associated with connected medical devices. To ensure patient safety and data integrity, medical device manufacturers must adopt robust security practices. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) emerges as a fundamental component for securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices, providing authentication, data confidentiality, and system integrity. Let us delve into how PKI can mitigate these vulnerabilities and enhance the security posture of connected medical devices.

PKI Framework

Let us briefly look into the PKI framework and its components. Understanding the framework is the first step towards understanding the potential use cases of PKI and PKI-based solutions in the medical sector.

At its core, PKI represents a framework encompassing a set of roles, policies, and procedures essential for generating, managing, distributing, utilizing, storing, and revoking digital certificates. These certificates are issued by a trusted third party, known as the Certificate Authority (CA), and are associated with a key pair linked to a verified user, server, computer, or device. Once the identity has been verified, other users can confidently trust the legitimacy of the key holder's identity.

An analogy to illustrate this concept is the issuance of a standard driver's license. Before obtaining the license, the government verifies the individual's identity and suitability for driving. Consequently, when presented as a form of identification, the driver's license is widely accepted and trusted without hesitation.

A robust PKI framework comprises several crucial components:

  • Certificate Authority (CA): This entity serves as the repository for digital certificates, issuing and signing them. 

  • Registration Authority (RA): Responsible for verifying the identity of other entities within the system. 

  • Certificate Policies: These policies are devised to govern the operations of the PKI system. 

  • Central Directory: A secure location where keys are stored and organized. • Certificate Management System: An automated system that streamlines digital certificate management processes.

Understanding PKI's intricacies and adopting a comprehensive framework empowers organizations to strengthen their security posture and enable secure communications and transactions.

PKI Authentication for Medical Devices

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based digital certificates serve as a robust solution for identifying and authenticating devices across interconnected systems while ensuring the secure flow of data. PKI employs unique signatures derived from sender identities and messages, verified by recipients, thereby facilitating safe user, system, and device authentication without cumbersome tokens or password policies. The implementation of a strong PKI, coupled with sound certificate lifecycle management practices, safeguards sensitive medical data from common brute force or man-in-the-middle attacks.

Moreover, PKI's encryption capabilities protect sensitive information during transmission, effectively thwarting malicious actors, even in the event of data breaches. These certificates offer the highest level of identity assurance, instilling confidence that entities involved in data transactions or authentication events are genuine. Effectively verifying identity is crucial for establishing trust in the security of connected devices.

In the context of IoT medical devices, healthcare organizations must trust the security and reliability of their connected ecosystems. Digital certificates play a pivotal role in this regard, ensuring data integrity, secure device booting, firmware authentication, and software code signing. Additionally, before deploying digital certificates, a well-established certificate management infrastructure is essential. An automated platform for certificate lifecycle management like emDiscovery, offered by eMudhra, streamlines processes, allowing manufacturers to prioritize security without added complexities. Such platforms should be adaptable, reliable, and scalable to meet the demands of IoT manufacturers.

Use Cases for Medical IoT Devices

PKI plays a pivotal role in ensuring the secure and reliable operation of medical devices in the healthcare ecosystem. By leveraging it, medical devices can be authenticated during the boot-up process, preventing the infiltration of unauthorized or counterfeit devices into the network. Additionally, it facilitates encrypted data transmission, safeguarding patient information from unauthorized access during communication. With the ability to remotely manage and monitor devices securely, healthcare providers can efficiently oversee and control medical equipment from distant locations.

Digital signatures provided by PKI validate the integrity of medical records, assuring the authenticity and tamper-proof nature of patient data. Furthermore, it enables secure device-to-device communication, access control, and user privilege management, ensuring only authorized personnel with appropriate credentials can interact with medical devices and access sensitive information.

Mentioned below are some of the use cases of PKI in medical device manufacturing and deployment:

  • Medical device authentication

  • Secure data transmission

  • Remote device management

  • Device software/firmware updates

  • Digital signatures for medical records

  • Secure device-to-device communication

  • Access control and user privileges

  • Ensuring regulatory compliance by providing audit trails and secure access logs

  • Medical device tracking and inventory management

  • Device certificate management

  • Secure Device Boot

eMudhra Ensuring Trust in Medical IoT Ecosystem

eMudhra plays a crucial role in ensuring secure identity, authentication, and encryption for connected medical devices. By providing identity vetting and evidence of organizational, domain, or device identity, eMudhra's PKI platform, emCA, ensures strong security in IoT deployments. It enables safe authentication across systems without the need for cumbersome user-initiated factors, while also facilitating encryption of sensitive information, protecting against malicious actors even in compromised scenarios.

The scalability of our CLM platform allows it to adapt to various connected medical device environments, handling millions of devices efficiently. Additionally, its flexible PKI trust models cater to open and closed systems, providing optimal security implementations. Overall, eMudhra's PKI platform emerges as the future of medical device security, offering reliable integration into major devices, system enrollment, and deployment processes. With its proven track record and ability to build security and trust, PKI from eMudhra is the ideal solution to meet the unique needs of the healthcare industry's technology landscape.