eMudhra Mentioned by IDC in Multiple Market Reports

- eMudhra Ranked No.1 under Identity and Access Management in 2022, with 12.1% market share in India
- eMudhra Ranked No.1 under Identity and Digital Trust Category in 1H 2022, with 13.3% market share in India
- IDC Semiannual Software Tracker 1H 2020: eMudhra Ranks No.2 in India under the Identity and Digital Trust Category
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eMudhra Ranks 1 in India Under the Identity and Access Management Category in 2022
eMudhra holds 12.1% of the market share in India under the Identity and Access Management category and is ranked No. 1 amongst 49 vendors in India (in terms of revenue) for the year 2022.
Credit: IDC's Worldwide Semi-annual Software Tracker 2H 2022 (April 2023 release)
eMudhra Ranked No.1 under Identity and Digital Trust Category in 1H 2022
eMudhra currently holds 13.3% of the market share in India and is ranked first amongst 48 named Indian Vendors (in terms of revenue) during 1H22 (Jan-June).
Credit: IDC's Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker (1H 2022 report for research period - January to June 2022, released in October 2022)
eMudhra Grabs Top Spot Again in India under the Identity and Digital Trust Category in 1H 2020
eMudhra holds 11% of the market share in India under the Identity and Digital Trust Category, and as a result of this is ranked No. 1 amongst 42 vendors in India (in terms of revenue). Dell Technologies and IBM occupy second and third position respectively.
Credit: IDC's Semiannual Software Tracker for the Identity and Digital Trust Category (1H 2020 report for research period - January to June 2020, released in October 2020)
eMudhra Ranks Second in India under the Identity and Digital Trust Category in 2H 2019
eMudhra holds 12% of the market share in India under the Identity and Digital Trust Category, and as a result of this is ranked No. 2 amongst 42 vendors in India (in terms of revenue).
eMudhra jumps to No.1 position when the vendor revenue and market share (14%) for the entire year is considered.
Credit: IDC's Semiannual Software Tracker for the Identity and Digital Trust Category (2H 2019 report for research period - July to December 2019, released in June 2020)
eMudhra Captures Top Position among Vendors in India for Identity and Digital Trust Category in 1H 2019
As per IDC's Asia/Pacific Semiannual Software Tracker 1H 2019, eMudhra held 18% of the market share in India under the Identity and Digital Trust Category, and ranked No. 1 amongst 42 vendors in India (in terms of revenue).
IDC's Semi-annual Software Tracker provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the market size, vendor revenue, and buying behaviour patterns of the security software market in India. It tracks the performance of leading vendors and provides detailed analyses of the key success factors contributing to their current market positioning.
Credit: IDC's Semiannual Software Tracker for the Identity and Digital Trust Category (1H 2019 report for research period - January to June 2019, released in November 2019)
About IDC Semiannual Software Tracker:
IDC's Semiannual Software Tracker provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the market size, vendor revenue, and buying behavior patterns of the security software market in India. It tracks the performance of leading vendors and provides detailed analyses of the key success factors contributing to their current market positioning.
The World of Digital-First: How Digital Trust is becoming the Key Recipe for Success of Future Enterprises
Read the latest IDC Vendor Spotlight Report on eMudhra titled "The World of Digital-First: How Digital Trust is becoming the Key Recipe for Success of Future Enterprises". The report outlines eMudhra's involvement in the Digital Trust Ecosystem, its solutions, capabilities etc. supported by IDC's market research on the use of digital technologies, post pandemic trends and predictions.
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